Preserve, Conserve, and Protect!
Casey Trees is known for our diligent work planting trees and advocating for better protections on behalf of trees – but did you know we’re also a certified Land Trust through the Land Trust Alliance?
In fact, Casey Trees is the only conservation land trust operating within the District of Columbia. We hold conservation easements and protected properties across the city, from pocket parks to forest patches with the intent to “Preserve, Conserve, and Protect,” – our new motto in honor of June’s Conservation Month.
Conservation easements are voluntary agreements between a land trust and a landowner that permanently restricts development on a portion of that property. This allows green spaces to stay green for generations to come. Casey Trees’ land conservation program aims to restore fragmented patches of urban forest, enhance urban ecosystems and public health, and protect green space for trees to grow and neighbors to connect with nature. We work with local landowners to steward natural areas and improve the conditions of those sites.
Tree canopy has been steadily declining in recent years due to unsustainable development practices where large swaths of mature trees are removed to accommodate site plans. We support the development of vibrant, affordable communities, but trees and green spaces are integral to the placemaking process and a healthy neighborhood. Green spaces, such as our conservation easements, work as protective buffers to slow down and retain stormwater runoff, reduce extreme temperatures, improve air quality, provide habitat for wildlife and reduce heating and cooling costs. In addition, they provide gathering places for communities to recreate and connect with one another.
Land can be donated, transferred or sold, and we acquire properties for conservation in a multitude of ways. We collaborate often with our amazing District partners to identify forested natural areas and pursue them for conservation purposes. When forests are left unmanaged, they can become quickly degraded through the spread of non-native invasive plant species which restrict light and nutrients to young understory plants, in addition to constricting and killing mature trees. These once vibrant ecosystems then become blighted vacant parcels and are eyed for development. Thanks to passionate communities and dedicated tree advocates, we are seeing amazing conservation successes become more frequent.
We will be highlighting our land conservation efforts all this month and are excited to celebrate together on June 25th at the Hellbender Brewing Company. We will be leading tree tours of one of our conservation easement sites where volunteers have been making a major impact. Join us for a glass of our limited-edition signature partnership beer, an exclusive seasonal beer made with serviceberries foraged by Casey Trees staff!
Donate to Casey Trees to Preserve, Conserve, and Protect DC’s green spaces! Or nominate a greenspace for conservation. Casey Trees relies on the support of friends, neighbors and volunteers like you to make our work possible. Consider becoming a Casey Trees Member today to receive some incredible perks and benefits – all while doing your part to help build a greener place to live for us all.