This Map Shows Every Tree We’ve Measured and Identified in D.C.
Casey Trees and citizen scientists have been working their way across D.C. to quantify the state of our urban forest.
Since 2015, we have inventoried thousands of trees across the district to determine the species, height, diameter of the trunk and health of the trees that are growing in our local and national parks. The information gathered at these events helps to manage our community forest and prioritize tree maintenance needs. Our Park Inventory Map displays the thousands of trees we have cataloged. Use this map to explore ecosystem benefits of these trees and their individual physical characteristics such as species and health.
Want Casey Trees to help measure a park in your neighborhood? nominate your park today.
This work was done in partnership with the Urban Forestry Division (UFD), District Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) and the National Park Service (NPS).
Interested in playing a part?
Join us as citizen scientists or volunteer in caring for D.C.’s trees by attending an inventory event, tree planting, tree care or advocacy event. Check out our calendar for seasonal events. Or put your passion for trees into action by making a one time or recurring gift.