Urban Forestry Fellowship

The GCA Zone VI Fellowship in Urban Forestry

The Garden Club of America: Founded in 1913, The Garden Club of America is a nonprofit organization comprised of 200 member clubs and approximately 18,000 club members throughout the United States. To promote greater understanding of the interdependence of horticulture, environmental protection, and community involvement, GCA offers 29 different merit-based scholarships and annually awards over $300,000.

Casey Trees: Casey Trees is a non-profit organization established in 2001 to restore, enhance, and protect the tree canopy of out nation’s captal. The organization works with others to plant and care for trees and promotes the use of green infrastructure of environmentally friendly and sustainable development.

Purpose: To advance the field of urban forestry by encouraging students to study the planning, management, horticulture, and ecology of urban forests and the effect of healthy urban forests on people and the environment.

History: In 2004, the 12 clubs of GCA Zone VI from Maryland and the District of Columbia voted to create a fellowship in urban forestry. The first fellowship was awarded in 2006. Casey Trees partners with the Garden Club of America to administer the GCA Zone VI Fellowship in Urban Forestry.

Provisions: Funds one or more students annually at $7,500 for study and research that will advance the knowledge of urban forestry and increase the number of scientists in the field.

Eligibility: Open to graduate or advanced undergraduate students that are studying urban forestry, environmental studies, horticulture, forestry, or related courses of study with a special interest in the urban forest. Students must be enrolled during the academic year following the award decision. Eligibility is open to U.S. Citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in a U.S. – based institution.

Selection: Selection is by a panel of people knowledgeable about research in the field of urban forestry, appointed by Casey Trees, and is approved by the GCA Scholarship Committee.

Fund: The GCA Zone VI Fellowship in Urban Forestry Fund is managed by the GCA.

Application Process:

  1. Applicants should complete the electronic application form. Be prepared to upload a vita at the time of your electronic application form submission. Preview the application questions here. At minimum, include:
    • Relevant Education, work, and volunteer experience
    • Publications and presentations
    • Career goals
  2. A letter of endorsement directly emailed from applicant’s major professor/advisor and signed by the student’s faculty advisor and submitted to: gcaurbanforestry@caseytrees.org by the application deadline with the name of the student in the subject line. The letter should:
    • Identify the student
    • Indicate the status of the student in the program
    • Evaluate the students ability as an independent researcher.

Application Deadline: January 15th – Application is not considered complete until the letter of endorsement is received. Final award decisions are made in late March. Fellowship recipients will receive official notification from the Garden Club of America. If you have any questions concerning the award application or eligibility requirements, please contact us at gcaurbanforestry@caseytrees.org.