Introducing the Save Our Soil Campaign
Despite the progress, a growing threat – noted in prior report cards – persists: an increasingly large portion of D.C.’s land is covered by concrete and asphalt. With a growing population and the need for more housing, this trend will only continue. More hard surfaces means more stormwater runoff, increased pollution and related impacts to the city’s already compromised streams and rivers.
It is important to recognize that over 41 percent of the District’s land is covered by impervious surfaces, which exceeds the city’s canopy cover of 38 percent. Think about that – our City of Trees has more roads, buildings and parking lots than trees – and that should concern us all.
To stem the loss of green space, Casey Trees is introducing the new Save Our Soil program. This innovative approach is revolutionizing the way we think about present and future green spaces in the District. Through conservation easements we will be able to ensure green space access now and for generations to come. Once protected by an easement, the land remains undeveloped to support mature trees and other natural amenities, while also providing a green respite for the neighborhoods where the easements are located.
Fortunately, balancing the need for housing to accommodate D.C.’s growing population with the city’s goals for a green future is possible. With adequate planning, new design resources and creativity, tree canopy post-development can be higher than it was pre-development. Perhaps most important, one thing is very clear: D.C. residents – whether they have lived in the City for three years or three generations – love their trees and parks. And at Casey Trees, we are committed to ensuring that both are preserved for the very long term.
How You Can Help: