May 30, 2023 /
Christina Hester

Watering Alerts Are Back!

As the weather starts to heat up, it’s important that our trees receive appropriate amounts of water to get them through the hot summer months. That’s why we’re bringing back our weekly watering alerts!

Starting now until the last week of September we’ll be issuing weekly watering alerts for trees in every Leaflet.

We issue these alerts for a very important reason — newly-planted trees require at least 25 gallons a week to survive and thrive. This is such a critical part of new tree care we created a “25 to Stay Alive” Watering Pledge to get folks on board. Pledge now to get a free rain gauge!

It’s not enough to rely on occasional rain showers to keep our trees hydrated. We need to be proactive in watering them, especially during prolonged dry spells. Watering trees during the summer is crucial, as the heat can cause them to become stressed and even die if they don’t receive enough water. Depending on past weather, forecasts, and a few other factors, we’ll either let you know whether you should water your trees, hold off, or if it’s up to you.


This week’s Weekly Watering Alert is: Optional. The forecast shows potential for thunderstorms in the coming days so it’s important to keep an eye on the weather as the week unfolds. Get your rain gauges ready and make sure your young trees get those 25 gallons, one way or another.

Keep your eyes peeled for our weekly alerts in upcoming Leaflets!