May 8, 2023 /
Christina Hester

The Adaptability of Trees in Urban Spaces

Join us for a May tree walk in the Virginia Avenue Gardens to learn about Trees on Structures with our conservation planner! The Virginia Avenue Gardens of the Federal Reserve appear at ground-level but are actually on the roof of an underground parking structure. This walk will highlight the importance of planting trees in nontraditional locations to expand access to green space for urban residents. Participants will learn more about specific trees planted there, design elements that make this park unique, and how this approach to parkland can be applied to other areas within DC.

Trees growing on urban structures in cities have a significant relationship. They provide various benefits to city residents that they wouldn’t otherwise receive. Benefits such as reducing the heat island effect, improving air quality, and decreasing stormwater runoff. Additionally, trees can help mitigate the negative impacts of urbanization, such as noise pollution and stress. The presence of trees on buildings and other structures also adds aesthetic value to the urban landscape. However, it’s important to note that the growth of trees on structures requires proper planning, design, and maintenance to ensure safety and longevity.

If you’re interested in learning more about the planning that goes into urban trees – Growing Above: Trees on Structure is our stunning coffee table compilation on success stories of trees on roads, buildings, etc. This book highlights projects throughout the District that feature different types of trees on structures. From the Kennedy Center, to Earth Day Park, to CityCenterDC, we celebrate the designers and developers who are making waves in green infrastructure, and aim to inspire others to follow in their path. Pick up your copy in our online store today! The book is 50% off, this week only! See the discount when you add it to your cart. It makes a great gift or conversation piece. And best yet? Your purchase goes directly towards our mission of restoring, enhancing, and protecting the tree canopy of our nation’s capital.

The official Trees on Structure book, as well as our Species Guide, will be available as an optional add-on when you reserve your ticket. Purchase of a book is not a ticket to the event and is not necessary to participate. Register for the tree walk here!