Giving Back on Arbor Day
Arbor Day is a special day dedicated to planting trees and celebrating their importance to our environment. It was first observed in the United States in 1872 in Nebraska, where Julius Sterling Morton encouraged people to plant trees to beautify the state and provide shade and windbreaks. The idea quickly spread to other states and countries, and Arbor Day is now celebrated around the world on different dates. It serves as a reminder of the importance of trees in our environment and the need to protect them.
It was a rainy Community Tree Planting at Takoma Community Center, but the trees loved the Arbor Day rain! Despite the weather we had a full crowd of dedicated volunteers who enjoyed getting a little muddy for the trees. We planted a total of 50 trees, and with the Community Center recently losing some of its large Oak trees, we were happy to help by planting many more! A huge thank you to International Paper for sponsoring the event; learn how your organization can partner with us to sponsor a tree planting here.
The event kicked off with a brief introduction from the organizers, who explained the importance of trees for our ecosystem and the benefits of planting them. The participants were then divided into groups, each led by an experienced volunteer who showed them proper techniques for how to plant and care for the trees. As you know, trees have numerous physical and mental benefits. They give us shade and clean air, which not only lowers electric bills but also provides beautiful healthy greenspaces for communities to enjoy for generations to come. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide, mitigating the effects of climate change. Studies have shown that spending time in nature, including around trees, can reduce stress and improve mental health.
Overall, the Arbor Day tree planting was a great success, with 50 trees planted and a lot of community involvement. It was a great reminder of the power of coming together as a community to improve our environment and make a positive impact on our planet. Scroll down to enjoy some snapshots of the day!