March 6, 2023 /
Christina Hester

Our 2023 Cherry Map is Here!

Cherry blossoms are a staple of our city (and urban forest!) that are truly a magical sight during #PeakBloom. The famed cherry blossoms that line the Tidal Basin are cruising through their blooming stages and are on their way to beloved #PeakBloom, which is when 70% of the Yoshino Cherry (Prunus x yedoensis) blossoms are open.

The National Park Service announced last week that Peak Bloom is predicted to be March 22 – 25. Their prediction is based on winter temperatures, March forecasts, and the current status of the trees. While we were correct predicting an early peak bloom, this year won’t be breaking the record – The earliest peak bloom on record occurred on March 15, 1990, while April 18, 1958, marks the latest peak.

Fear not residents of our fair city! We’ve updated our beloved Cherry Blossom map (featuring all blossoms, not just the attention-grabbing Yoshino trees around the Tidal Basin)!

Other than in their obvious downtown locations, the cherry trees are vaguely clustered around the ‘outer’ edges of the city. So check it out, search for the address of your house, work, or favorite brunch spot and get wandering around the city. Zoom in, zoom out, then head outside to see for yourself before they’re gone! There are truly so many trees – and parts of our city – to enjoy.