March 7, 2022 /
Jona Elwell

DC Council Passes Emergency Legislation Increasing Protections For DC’s Largest Trees

We are thrilled to announce that last week DC enacted additional protections for Special and Heritage Trees. After years of advocacy from our dedicated volunteer Tree Advocates, partners like DDOT, and after the tragic, illegal felling of a Heritage Tree in Takoma, an emergency bill sailed through the DC Council on a unanimous 13-0 vote. 

This emergency legislation closes a decades-old loophole in DC’s tree law. It gives the City’s professional arborists the ability to issue Stop Work Orders when they see a protected Special or Heritage tree being damaged or destroyed.

The Urban Forest Preservation Stop Work Order Authority Emergency Amendment Act of 2022 was introduced by Ward 3 Councilmember Mary Cheh, who commented on the impact of an illegal tree removal that recently occurred in her Ward:

“Once a large tree is removed, it will take decades for newly-planted trees to reach the same size and provide the same benefits to the community, not to mention, I must say, that trees have extensive root systems, and when you lose one tree, you harm not only that tree but the surrounding trees as well,” Cheh explained when introducing the bill.

What’s next for Heritage Tree Protections?

CM Cheh also acknowledged that while this is a stop-gap measure, a permanent bill is working its way through the legislative process, which may also include heftier penalties for those intentionally violating the law.


Contact if you’d like to join us in supporting tree protection legislation. Stay tuned to our weekly newsletter the Leaflet for ongoing coverage of tree legislation in the District. 

Remind me what Heritage and Special Trees are?

Heritage trees are those over 100 inches in circumference. Special Trees are those 44 to 99 inches in circumference.  

How can you help?

Plant a tree with us! DC needs everyone to play their part – and the best thing you can do is plant a tree on your property.