December 13, 2021 /
Italia Peretti

All I Want For Christmas is Tree Memes

The holidays are all about connecting with people you love, and in the past few months, we have had the pleasure to connect with thousands of new and passionate humans, both in-person and online! Since our last roundup of memes* you all have asked for more and more! This year, it has been a gift to interact with so many new people on social media, from thousands of likes to hundreds of reposts and shares. We are thrilled that we can connect folks to trees through humor and everyday social media posts. Thanks and welcome to the thousands of new followers!

Here is an updated look at our favorite and most popular memes — check out our Instagram for more and the latest! If ya like what you see tap the follow, share, and consider donating!

*An Internet meme, more commonly known simply as a meme, is an idea, behavior, or style (meme) that is spread via the Internet, often through social media platforms and especially for humorous purposes.