May 22, 2017 /
Jona Elwell

A Tree Tour…By Bike!

What could be better than a regular tree tour? A tree tour by bike!

There are a limited number of spots available for our tree tour by bike with esteemed author and naturalist, Melanie Choukas-Bradley.

We’ll meet on Sunday, June 25th at the REI Washington D.C. flagship store in NoMa and making our way over to the Capitol. The bike tour will cover approximately 3 miles with leisurely stops.

Along the way we’ll see and learn about D.C.’s gorgeous trees, including ancient willow and bur oaks, pecans, sweet buckeyes, giant sequoias, and more! If we’re really lucky we’ll even see the first blooms of some summer flowering trees. Afterwards, we’ll head back to REI for celebratory eats and brew!

Please note: you need to bring your own bicycle as well as a helmet to join in the ride. Advance registration is required and unfortunately once tickets are gone – they’re gone!