May 16, 2016 /
Jason Galliger

Tree Canopy Protection Amendment Act Update

Last week, Mayor Muriel Bowser signed the Tree Canopy Protection Amendment Act of 2016 (TCPAA)!

Barring any Congressional oversight, this act will become law and strengthen D.C.’s tree protections for the first time in 14 years — ensuring D.C.’s urban forest will be protected for generations to come!

It is also the last step in the legislative process that first began on July 14, 2015 when Councilmembers Charles Allen and Mary Cheh introduced the bill.

To truly appreciate this milestone achievement we wanted to examine all the hurdles this bill has to pass before getting to this point. To do that, we must first understand how the D.C. legislative process works.

And now if we modify it for this bill:

What a journey!

For the tree bill to get to this point required the input and actions of the entire D.C. Council, the Mayor, concerned Tree Advocates and citizens like you. Thanks to all of you for your support.

We especially wanted to thank Charles Allen and Mary Cheh for taking the lead on this legislation and helping to shepherd it through the entire council.

Stay tuned to the blog and our social media channels for an update on when the TPCAA finally becomes law!