November 2, 2015 /
Italia Peretti

DPW Fall Leaf Collection

With brilliant fall foliage, comes leaf collection.

The fall leaf collection program, coordinated by the District Department of Public Works (DPW), runs from the first week of November through the second week of January. Translation, leaf collection is underway.

A couple of things to know:

  • DPW collects leaves by “vacuuming” loose leaves residents rake into their tree box(s). Loose leaves are sent to composing.
  • Bagged leaves left alongside trash and recycling will get collected as space allows. Note that these leaves are NOT composted and they encourage you using paper bags.

And if you are a planner, take note that holiday trees and greenery collected between December 26 and January 8 will be composted. Trees and green collected after then will be picked up by trash trucks as space allows.

Learn more about DPW’s leaf and holiday tree and greenery collection.