Common Persimmon

Diospyros virginiana
A member of the ebony family, the persimmon is a graceful, slender, and smallish shade tree with dark distinctive furrowed bark and leaves that turn red to purple-red in fall. Female trees have greenish-white flowers that bloom in the spring and develop an edible fruit prized by wildlife. The tree has very strong wood used for golf club heads and billiard cues.
Size and Light Requirements
Persimmons prefer full sun but will persist in partial shade. Somewhat slow growing, they can grow to 30 feet tall in approximately 40 years.
Plant This Tree
This tree is available through our residential planting program, RiverSmart Homes. You can also get up to $100 back for planting this tree yourself through our tree rebate program.
Find Another Tree
All the trees in this guide have been selected by Casey Trees and are well adapted to the soil and conditions present in Washington, DC.
Photo Credits
Franz Xaver, Fritzflohrreynolds, Suzanne Cadwell, Katja Schulz, MONGO, Maialisa, Peter Griffin