American Beech

Fagus grandifolia
The American beech is an iconic, sturdy shade tree with smooth, blue-hued bark. It produces small (beech) nuts in a showy pod that are valued by wildlife and visually unique. Its dark green leaves turn a beautiful yellow in fall.
Size and Light Requirements
A slow grower, the American Beech usually reaches 50’ tall and 30’ wide in about 50 years. Beech trees do well in shade or partial shade, but can also be planted in full sun.
Plant This Tree
This tree is available through our residential planting program, RiverSmart Homes. You can also get up to $50 back for planting this tree yourself through our tree rebate program.
Find Another Tree
All the trees in this guide have been selected by Casey Trees and are well adapted to the soil and conditions present in Washington, DC.
Photo Credits:
Multivac42, Katja Schulz, Suzanne Cadwell, MONGO, INeverCry, Max Pixel