April 4, 2022 /
Jona Elwell

Announcing the 2022 Canopy Award Winners

Despite the changes over the past two years at Casey Trees, one thing is consistent: our celebration and appreciation for the many tree heroes in our city. The Canopy Awards are our unique way of honoring the people and partners working to protect and promote DC’s tree canopy.

We’re pleased to announce the 2022 Canopy Awards Honorees:

Award for Education: Jeria Carter

Award for Leadership: Councilmember Charles Allen

Award for Partnership: Friends of Oxon Run

Award for Sustainability: Prince George’s County

Award for Volunteer Service: Mary Pat Rowan

 Learn more about the Honorees and check back in next week for more! This group has made great waves in our community and for our tree canopy. Donating to our mission is the best way to celebrate our collective work.