May 30, 2019 /
Jona Elwell

Small But Mighty: These rowhouse friendly trees provide shade too!

Tiny yards are no match for these showstoppers. Just because you don’t have an expansive lawn doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the shade and beautify of trees. Need help choosing one that will thrive? We’ve got you covered through our residential planting program, RiverSmart Homes or our tree rebate.

Serviceberry (Amelanchier sp.)
There’s a reason WAMU can’t get enough of these local, edible berries: they’re delicious (for humans as well as songbirds, and even black bears). Even better? These native trees aren’t just a pretty face: they’re surprisingly hardy and can stand up to shock and mediocre soil quality, and usually don’t grow past 25 feet in height – perfect for compact yards. Let us help you plant it for free!

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida)
When many people think of dogwoods, they are envisioning this species. These native trees are small and slow growing, rarely exceeding 20 feet in height. Their famous flowers, which attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, are surrounded by four bracts that can be white, pink, or red, depending on the variety. Let us help you plant it for free!

Carolina silverbell (Halesia tetraptera)
Maturing to a height of only about 25 feet, silverbells are named for their pendulous white flowers which contrast nicely against their large, dark green leaves. Although it prefers part shade and moist soil, Carolina silverbell also does well in full sun. Let us help you plant it for free!

American hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)
American hornbeam, is a slow-growing, deciduous, small to medium-sized understory tree with an attractive globular form. The extremely hard wood of this tree will, as the common name suggests, take a horn-like polish and was once used by early Americans to make bowls, tool handles and ox yokes. While you won’t be making ox yokes, you can still enjoy this tree in your yard. Let us help you plant it for free!