January 8, 2018 /
Jona Elwell

Farewell to Jim Woodworth

It is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that we announce Jim Woodworth’s departure as Director of Tree Planting. Since 2003, Jim played a key role in the development of all our core programs and activities.

It’s hard to believe but when Jim came on board Casey Trees didn’t have a tree planting program – or department. Jim and his small staff got us started by planting many different trees in many different ways, celebrating our successes and learning from our mistakes. Through those experiences we learned many lessons, ultimately building Casey Trees’ core tree planting programs that endure to this day.

From the few hundred trees Jim’s shop used to plant yearly when we got our start to the over 3000 we plant now, we have seen steady progress toward attainment of the District’s 40% tree canopy goal. But it’s not just about the numbers – just as important, it’s about the connections and relationships Jim helped us forge that helped us in so many ways over so many years.

We look forward to following Jim’s future success, and remain grateful for his legacy and the work his dedicated tree planting team will continue to provide – doing what Jim liked to do best – planting trees. To that end, feel free to reach out to us at with any tree planting inquires or needs you may have.




With that, enjoy a few of Jim’s greatest hits from his time at Casey Trees: