February 1, 2016 /
Italia Peretti

National Gallery of Art Tree Tour

Winter Storm Jonas thwarted our winter tree tour at the National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden last month but it’s been rescheduled for this Saturday, February 6 and there are open slots for a lucky few.

Our tour, led by naturalist Melanie Choukas-Bradley, will focus on trees that continue to make a splash well into winter and can be identified by their foliage, fruit, buds, bark and other features.

And if there is a chill in the air, have no fear. You will be sipping on hot chocolate in your very own Casey Trees thermos during the tree tour to keep you warm. After the tree tour concludes, stick around for lunch or ice skating, or set off to explore the National Mall’s many treasures.


Saturday, February 6, 2016
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden
