Florida Rock Properties Riverfront Public Comments
Testimony of Kristin Taddei, Planning Advocate, Casey Trees
January 23, 2017
Before the Zoning Commission on Riverfront on the Anacostia Phase II
ZC Case No. 04-14D: The Florida Rock Properties, Inc.
Dear Zoning Commissioners,
Casey Trees is a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit with a mission “to restore, enhance, and protect the tree canopy of the nation’s capital.” To fulfill this mission, we plant trees; monitor the city’s tree canopy; and work with decision makers, developers, and residents to encourage tree planting and protection on both public and private property. We are dedicated to helping the District reach its 40 percent tree canopy goal by 2032. We are happy to offer these recommendations to the Zoning Commission for phase II of the Riverfront on the Anacostia development to ensure a greener Buzzard Point neighborhood.
We applaud the applicant’s plans to include a diverse, urban-hearty tree palate supported by soil cells, which promote healthy root growth. The applicant’s current landscaping plans include planting 17 new trees on a site where none exist today. This will be a welcome addition, adding more green to the ward with the lowest tree canopy in the District.
For residents and visitors, walking or cycling the Anacostia River Walk Trail is an exciting way to experience the natural and historical features of the Anacostia River. To enhance this experience and to create a more inviting place to live and play, we urge you to request that the applicant work with other waterfront landowners to ensure a smooth expansion of the trail. The applicant should contact Jemal’s Lazriv LLC (owner and future developer of 1900 Half Street) and the National Park Service (owner and future developer of Buzzard Point Park), to create a natural corridor that will serve as a backbone of the Anacostia Waterfront. The National Park Service also plans to extend the Anacostia River Walk Trail in their redevelopment of Buzzard Point Park (Figure 1).
Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ktaddei@caseytrees.org or 202-349-1892
Kristin D. Taddei
Planning Advocate