November 27, 2017 /
Jona Elwell

A Few Days Left to Comment on Sustainable DC 2.0

Comments for the next vision of our sustainable city are open until the end of November. You have a few more days to tell the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to prioritize trees and our city’s canopy in the next iteration of Sustainable DC. To reflect changes in city policies, programs, and technologies since the initial release of the plan five years ago, DOEE is launching a collaborative community engagement process to shape the District’s plan update – otherwise known as Sustainable DC 2.0.

Follow these quick and easy steps to submit your own comments:

Provide your information (if you’d like) and select ‘myself’

Select Goal 2: Protect and expand tree cover…” and then click next

Select the drop down menu and click “Target 2: By 2032, cover 40% of the District with a healthy tree canopy…” and then click next

Write a comment about why trees are important to you! For inspiration visit page 8 of Casey Trees’ Citizen Advocate Handbook.

Click Submit and you’re all set! Thanks for helping cement the future of the District’s trees. Interested in speaking up for trees throughout the city? Considering becoming a certified Tree Advocate and learn how to testify on legislation and provide public comments, among other advocacy actions.