August 17, 2015 /
Casey Manning

RiverSmart Rewards Incentive Programs

Want to help keep D.C.’s rivers clean and save some cash at the same time? We have great news. The District Department of the Environment’s (DDOE) RiverSmart Rewards and Clean Rivers IAC Incentive Programs can also help you save money on your DC Water bill.

D.C. residents, businesses and property owners can earn a discount on their DDOE Stormwater Fee and DC Water’s Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charge by installing green infrastructure that curbs stormwater runoff, including but not limited to: green roofs, bioretention basins (i.e. rain gardens), permeable pavement, rain barrels and by planting trees.

For more information and to apply, visit DDOE’s website. And read more about our programs that will help you add trees to your property here.